北京唱音悠音响为中国人民提供雅马哈调音台报价和雅马哈调音台说明书,目前国内普遍使用雅马哈12路调音台和雅马哈16路调音台较多,大多数的扩声场所由于系统预算的原因较终都倾向选择模拟调音台,但有一些大型演出或高端场所会使用雅马哈数字调音台来控制整个音响系统。 **调音台 雅马哈调音台多少钱 广播电台用调音台 yamaha调音台 雅马哈调音台的使用 These 32-input and 24-input models are suitable for serious live sound applications in which a substantial number of sources must be handled efficiently. The MG32/14FX and MG24/14FX also feature dual Yamaha SPX effect processors built in, so you have everything you need for great sound right in the console. A comprehensive complement of auxiliary and group buses provides extensive mixing and ** routing versatility.